经济学人精读 | 各类养生大法是在养“生”还是在养“钱”?
原创: Amy 阿尔法医学英语 昨天
The Economist, 英国著名杂志《经济学人》,内容犀利不乏诙谐,立场坚定而不失客观。听说现在的时髦不是LV,不是宝马,而是一个家庭有没有阅读The Economist的习惯。
在这个行业里,你一定会看见那些冒充“神医”、打着“养生”“治病”的幌子大肆圈钱的江湖庸医甚至江湖骗子。A. Dickson Wright在1957年的时候就在皇家文艺学会(The RSA)上发表过一篇研究报告,这个报告里汇总了历史上的那些庸医(Quacks Through the Ages),其中作者认为最“杰出”的就是18世纪的James Graham。看了他的故事,再联想前段时间被端掉的“百亿权健帝国”,你会发现历史真是惊人的相似,这些江湖庸医骗人的手段也是换汤不换药。
Quack这个词作动词讲意思是“鸭子嘎嘎叫”,作名词讲就是指“庸医;江湖郎中;冒牌医生”,quackery意思就是“骗人的医术”。大家还记得Mandy小姐姐在The Economist |《经济学人》是如何炮轰权健的?这篇解析稿中是如何为大家生动解释quackery这个单词的吗?当时Mandy为大家贴心地附上了一首非常洗脑的儿歌“Five little ducks”,其中鸭妈妈的叫声就是“quack,quack,quack!”, 让我们通过鸭子叫记住了这quack个词:江湖郎中说话,就像鸭子叫一样。

而早在300多年前的18世纪,James Graham就在伦敦建了一座Temple of Health:

这座Temple of Health的精华(centerpiece)部分就是所谓的“仙床(celestial bed)”。
Celestial意味“天的;天体的”,和天堂和天空相关,如:celestial body 天体;celestial music 美妙仙乐。
① 不能生育的,贫瘠的,可以用来形容人、动植物或土地,近义词是infertile
② 无菌的;消过毒的:sterile bandages 消毒绷带;sterile water消毒过的水
③ (讨论、争论等)没有结果的,没有实际价值的,近义词是fruitless:a sterile debate 一场没有结果的辩论
④ 无个性的;缺乏新意的:
» The room felt cold and sterile.
» He felt creatively and emotionally sterile.

再来看一看他号称包治百病的“神秘疗法(mystical cures)”都有哪些:fiery electric lamps, magnets and perfumes of the Orient,你说是不是和今天各种忽悠人的保健疗法和保健品如出一辙??
当时的人们都是什么反应呢?场面那是相当的火爆啊:High society flocked to his events.
Flock作动词讲就是“蜂拥;聚集”。有一句谚语叫做“物以类聚,人以群分”,对应的英文就是:Birds of a feather flock together.

James在他的Temple of Health里还先后雇了一些美女模特当“Goddess of Health”,其中就有非常著名的Lady Hamilton:

但是这些Goddess of Health的穿着都非常暴露,文中用了一个词叫scantily clad。Scanty为形容词,意为“(衣着)暴露的”,如scanty Bikini,scanty dressed models。Scanty还有一个意思就是“不足的;欠缺的”:Details of his life are scanty.关于他生平的详细资料真是太少了。
Clad为形容词,相当于dressed,以为“穿……衣服的”,常见的用法是be clad in+衣服,如:She was clad in blue velvet. 她身着蓝色的天鹅绒服装。Clad还可以表示“覆盖”,此时就要与with搭配,be clad with+覆盖的东西,如:The walls and floors are clad with ceramic tiles. 墙面和地板上都贴着瓷砖。Clad作“覆盖”讲时还可以跟在名词后面构成复合形容词,如:snow-clad hills白雪覆盖的山峦;the ivy-clad house. 爬满常青藤的房子。

掌握了这些新词新表达之后,让我们再来看一看关于James Graham和他的Temple of Health原文是怎么描述的:
In A. Dickson Wright's "Quacks Through the Ages", a study published in 1957, the "outstanding quack of all times" was James Graham, an 18th-century Scottish doctor who conceived(想出;设想)mystical cures for all sorts of ailments(疾病) using fiery electric lamps, magnets and perfumes of the Orient. The centrepiece of his Temple of Health in London was a celestial bed that he claimed could combat sterility and produce perfect babies by pouring out waves of magnetism. High society flocked to his events, which had an air of eroticism and culminated(以……告终) in the scantily clad appearance of the Goddess of Health—none other than(表示惊讶,起强调作用) the future Lady Hamilton.
Once again miracle cures are all the rage, not just in London but all around the world. Electric currents are out of fashion, replaced by yoga boot camps, meditation(冥想) and veganism(素食主义).
Be all the rage意思是“风靡一时”,如:Long hair for men was all the rage in the 70s.

20世纪时,人们秉持的是sickness culture,即治大于防:Sickness was prioritised over wellness. The health-care provider, not the customer, was always right.
现在,人们已经逐渐摆脱了sickness culture,掀起了健康新热潮(the cult of wellness),即防大于治。出现这一现象的原因在于,人们惧怕负担医药费,同时觉得利用网络可以进行自我诊断,而且人们对于生活习惯、身材管理的要求也越来越高:
This may be because they are sick of theover-stretched health-care system, cannot afford it, can use the internet to self-diagnose and are more aware of the dangers of lifestyle diseases, such as obesity and stress. It may also be because they are more body-obsessed, on account of Instagramming, even while doing the Downward Dog.
Cult意为“热潮;崇拜;关注”,如:the cult of physical fitness 健身热;;personality cult 个人崇拜
Over-stretched意为“(系统;机构等)不堪重负的;超负荷运转的”,对应的动词是overstretch,overstretch oneself的意思就是“勉强自己去做超过自己能力范围的事”,如:Do what you know you can do well and don't overstretch yourself. 做你拿手的事情,不要勉为其难。
Downward Dog这里指的是一种瑜伽招式:

the cult of wellness带来了一个新的市场:the market for "wellcare", incorporating preventive health, nutrition, fitness and beauty。普华永道(PricewaterhouseCoopers,简称PwC,四大国际会计师事务所之一)表示,这一市场在去年估值8100亿美元。
Big business is lunging into action.
Asset markets are perking up, too.
Smart money(投资), then, appears to be flowing with the endorphins(内啡肽).
如:He lunged at me, grabbing me violently. 他向我扑过来,使劲把我抓住。

perk up意思是“(使)增值;增加”。除了这个意思,再拓展这个短语的其他两个常用意思:
① Perk (sb.) up:(使)振奋、活跃起来,如:He soon perked up when his friends arrived. 朋友一来他就精神起来了。
② Perk sth. up:使更有趣;使更诱人,如:ideas for perking up bland food 给无味的食品增添味道的主意
下面给大家截取几个the market for “wellcare”兴起后的典型事例:
① Nestlé and Danone, European food giants, are increasingly mindful of selling healthier fare(食物).
Mindful意思是“留心的;注意的”,be mindful of (doing) sth. 这个短语可以用来替换consider/think about之类的表达,表示“意识到;考虑到”。
② Large gyms are replacing department stores as the anchor tenants(租户) in shopping malls.
Anchor是“锚”,anchor tenant,即像下了锚一样扎根在商场里,也就是指健身房成了大型商场的主要租户。因此,anchor还有一个意思就是“支柱;靠山”:He provided an emotional anchor for her. 他是她的精神支柱;the anchor of the family 全家的顶梁柱
③ The lines between industries such as Big Pharma and Big Food are blurring(模糊)—witness the growth of nutraceuticals and cosmeceuticals.
④ And through it all runs technology: fitness, stress-relief and health apps are now central tothe growth of wearable devices(可穿戴设备)such as smart watches.

对于最近几年兴起的冥想、瑜伽等诸如此类的mind-and-body worship对于延长寿命是否真的有显著成效,作者也不能给出确切的回答,但是表示出质疑:
Is it just modern-day quackery, a hankering for any life-prolonging quicksilver, however unscientific and unorthodox?
Hankering意思是“强烈欲望”,常见用法是a hankering for sth/a hankering to do sth. 对应的动词是hanker,:hanker to do sth; hanker after/for sth. 大家以后就可以用hanker来替换desire啦!
Prolong这个动词意思是“延长”,那么life-prolonging就是“延年益寿的”;quicksilver就是我们常说的mercury,水银。Quicksilver作形容词的话也可以指“瞬息万变的;变化极快的”,如:his quicksilver temperament 他那喜怒无常的性情。

If it quacks like a duck
The bigger the business of mind and body becomes, the more likely it will be regulated and quality-controlled. That is a good thing. But watch out for impostors. A recent study suggests there is no evidence vitamins or minerals slow cognitive decline or dementia—despite what is often claimed on the tin(罐头). Health apps have the potential to misuse data, exacerbate eating disorders and keep people permanently on a treadmill. As society ages, the promise of eternal youth becomes all the more seductive(诱人的). When you are invited to a Temple of Health, think twice before entering.
Treadmill在这里的意思是“跑步机”。它还有一个意思是“枯燥无味的工作或生活方式”:I'd like to escape the office treadmill. 我想摆脱办公室的枯燥工作。想象一下,如果让你一直不停地在跑步机上机械地原地跑步,你是不是会感到非常无聊?
由于篇幅的关系,作者列举的一些具体的事例和数据没有办法在解析中呈现,推荐大家去看一看原文,你会对the market for "wellcare"有更直观的感受。
面对层出不穷的养生大法和琳琅满目的保健品、药妆,为了你的身体健康,也为了你钱包里的钱,please think twice before you act。