
1. 精神状态不佳
2. 鼻孔里常有清水样的鼻涕淌出,非脓性鼻涕
3. 打喷嚏、咳嗽频繁

4. 眼睛充血,莫名流泪
5. 食欲大降
6. 发热,体温高至39-40摄氏度(正常成年犬应为36.5-37.5)
7. 嗅觉减退





English version here
There are two kinds of dog colds: viral colds caused by viruses, and common colds caused by sudden changes in temperature (change of season) and lack of insulation measures. When dogs show cold symptoms, pay special attention to whether the dog is just a cold, because some of the dog's viral symptoms are similar to the initial cold symptoms.

Common symptoms of a cold in dogs
1. Poor mental state
2. There is usually a clear watery discharge from the nose, which is not purulent.
3. Sneezing and coughing frequently

4. Bloodshot eyes, inexplicable tears
5. You lose your appetite
6. Fever, with body temperature up to 39-40 degrees Celsius (36.5 to 37.5 for normal adult dogs)
7. Hyposmia

How to take care of a dog
Not only should dogs be given proper medication during a cold, but also their owners should pay more attention to their care so that their dogs can recover better.
1.pay attention to keep warm to eliminate the cause Dog's common cold is caused by temperature difference, cold, so to eliminate the cause, do a good job to keep warm, do not let the dog directly sleep on the floor, do not have a cross draft.
2. Drink water and nutrients
Cold drink more water, dogs are the same, this is not to say, dogs do not want to drink, you can add a little sheep milk powder in the water to increase palatability. In addition to dog food, owners can feed their dogs some lean meat porridge, fruits and vegetables, nutritional paste, etc. If possible, a few mouthfuls of raw beef between meals is the best choice.
3.Rest and quiet
When your dog is sick, you can reduce the frequency and time you spend outdoors, giving your dog enough time to recuperate.

4.Should pay attention to avoid cold, once they eat cold food or drink raw water, digestive system is prone to problems, cold and other minor diseases will come uninvited.

7. Prevent secondary infection
Antibiotics or sulfonamides may be used to prevent secondary infection.