Time Management Skills:Part1
活动日志 Activity Logs
当你可以准确理解你每日工作所花的时间,你就可以减少或者去掉那些低价值的工作。这以为这你可以花更多的时间在更有价值的工作上,同时你还可以每天准时地下班。能做到这点,那你就真的需要高超的时间管理技巧了。本篇介绍的是入门级的技巧 - Activity Logs (活动日志)
When you properly understand how you use your time at work, you can minimize or eliminate low value activities. This means that you can do more high value work, while still being able to leave the office at a sensible time.
活动日志 Activity Logs 是文字记录你如何花你每天的时间的一个技巧。
An Activity Log (also known as an Activity Diary or a Job Activity Log) is a written record of how you spend your time.
By keeping an Activity Log for a few days, you can build up an accurate picture of what you do during the day, and how you invest your time. You'll find that memory is quite a poor guide, and that keeping the Log is an eye-opening experience!
Your Activity Log will also help you understand whether or not you're doing your most important work during the right time of day. For instance, if you're more energetic and creative in the morning, you'd be better off doing your most important work during this time. You can then focus on lower energy tasks, such as responding to emails or returning calls, in the afternoon.
Activity Logs are also useful for helping you identify non-core activities that don't help you meet important objectives. For example, you might spend far more time than you think surfing the Internet, or getting coffee each afternoon. When you see how much time you're wasting on such activities, you can then change the way that you work to eliminate them.


4、对于一些实在必要的私人活动,例如煮咖啡等,是不是办公室里有其他的人也需要,大家轮流,一人给所有人煮咖啡,这样可以节省很多时间的。(hooray,team spirit)