Have you experienced a situation like this, pal?

这是任务公布日 这是任务截止的
当你面对一个任务的时候,也许你规划的极其完美,你想着每一天 每个月都完成任务的一部分直到截止的那一天,你能顺利的完成这份工作。
When you receives an assignment, plan out everything perfectly, thinking that you would finish a portion of the assignment pre day and per month until you completely finish the assignment.
That's probably the most ideal plan. However, as you started to do something with the assignment…
It will turn out like this:

任务公布日 截止日
But why does procrastination exist? What is it that the procrastinator are thinking about?
Let's take a look at what did Tim Urban share his opinion and discovery about procrastination.

Through comparing the scan images of the brain of a procrastinator and that of a non-procrastinator, he found out that the brain of a procrastinator is different from that of a non-procrastinator.

这是非拖延症患者的大脑扫描图 This is the scan image of a non-pr
这是拖延症患者的大脑This is the brain of a procrastinator
这是拖延症患者的大脑 This is the brain of a procrastinator
When the rational decision maker makes a rational decision, monkey doesn't like it. Then the monkey takes the wheel and starts to mess it up.
Since the instant gratification monkey only wants something easy and fun.

That's why we have the rational decision maker in human's brain who makes the human brain different from animal's. He visualizes the future, sees the big picture, and makes long term plan.
However, when the rational decision maker is in a conflict with the instant gratification monkey, like when you really want to watch some Youtube videos while you should go finish the work assigned from your boss. Oftentimes, in procrastinator's brain, the instant gratification monkey wins the battle.
Therefore, procrastinators can't stop doing what is pleasing to the instant gratification monkey: something easy and fun.

Perhaps you would question that why do people still go finish their assignment at the last moment, instead of just listening to the monkey and quit doing everything?
不是因为理性决策者的崛起,而是就在及时行乐猴无法无天的时候,会有一个终极大boss会来制裁这泼猴。 他就是--恐慌怪兽。
It is not that the decision maker takes over the sovereignty, but that as the instant gratification messes everything up, there comes an ultimate figure that would boss around this monkey. He is called —— the panic monster.

The panic monster is dormant most of the time, but he suddenly wakes up when the due date gets too close, or there is a public embarrassment, a career disaster, or other scary consequences.
Most importantly, he is the only thing that the monkey is afraid of.
当恐慌怪兽出现,猴子会被吓得撒腿就跑, 这时就轮到理性决策者来掌舵了。
When the panic monster shows up, the monkey will run away, feeling so scared, and now, it's the rational decision's turn to hold the wheel.

After watching this interesting TED talk, I think we get a gist of the pathology of procrastination.
Although by knowing the mechanism of procrastination doesn't remove this bad behavior from us
At least we gain a more comprehensive understanding of the instant gratification monkey, and how harmful is he that he always gets into our way. Maybe the next time when the monkey comes out and messes everything up, we can realize that instead of being controlled by him, we should hold the wheel and do what is right to do.