
Questioner: I have a hard time memorizing. Being receptive to oral transmission is very challenging for me. Could you say something on this?
Sadhguru: Everything that you see, hear, smell, taste, and touch is recorded. There is no recording problem. Let’s say I abuse you badly right now, you will remember it all your life. You have great memory. You just remember bad words, that’s all. The problem is only your inability to bring back certain parts of your memory when you need them. You are not able to pick out what you want. This is just a question of clarity, not of memory. If we say a phone has low memory, it means it has a limited capacity to record. On the other hand, if I press “2” and it shows “5,” the issue is not bad memory but a bad keyboard. Your issue is also a question of “bad keyboard.” There is no need to fix the memory – everything you experience is recorded. You are not able to retrieve the right information – that is the entire problem.
Bringing precision into life
We have to work on clarity. What is it that gives us clarity of mind? A simple thing you can do to improve clarity is to handle everything you do with a certain precision. Hatha Yoga is all about precision – how your feet should be positioned, where your hands should be, how you should hold your head, how you move, how you place the things that you brought with you and so on. If you bring precision into your activity, there will be precision in your mind. You need to practice precision in every aspect of your life. How your room should be, how you go to bed – everything. Bring the meticulousness that you apply when doing an asana, into your life. You will see, slowly, the mind will become very clear. It will become meticulous with everything.
Hatha Yoga is all about precision. If you bring precision into your activity, there will be precision in your mind.
From this moment, a simple practice that you can do is when you stand up, when you sit down, when you walk, whatever you do, do it with precision and attention. Consciously register everything that is around. For example, there are five columns here, one vessel, one big rock, one pond, another four columns, one door. How tall? Looks like twelve feet. Just practice this with everything. How many steps from here to there? Don’t count “one, two…” – start walking and notice “Okay, I think that’s three,” another three, and another three. After a few days, do intervals of four, five, or eleven – without thinking, you must slowly know when you have walked twelve steps. This is yoga. This effect will happen over a period of time by itself.
从现在开始,你可以做的一个简单练习是:当你站着,当你坐下,当你走路时,无论你做什么,专注而精准地做。有意识地记录周围的一切。比如,这里有五根柱子、一艘船、一块大石头、一个池塘、另外四根柱子、一扇门。有多高?看起来有十二英尺高。针对每件事做这个练习。从这里到那里一共有多少步?不要数:“一步,两步……” ——开始走并且留意, “好了,我想这是三步,”又是一个三步,又是一个三步。几天后,做间隔四步、五步、或者十一步的训练——不用想,你肯定能渐渐地知道什么时候你已经走了十二步。这就是瑜伽。这种效果会在一段时间后自行发生。
The precision that you try to bring to your body, bring it to your mind too. Let the mind imitate the body. You will see, clarity will naturally come.