If you are like a lot of teens,you like to sleep.And that's a good thing!But many people sleep poorly.And this harmful effects on the body and mind.While you sleep,your body produces cells that work fight infections.If you,don't sleep enough,fewer cells are producted,and your immune systems doesn't work well.As a result, you can become sick more easily,especially when you don't get enough sleep.
Not enough sleep also influences your mind.You are more likely to feel angry or upset, so you act negatuvely to almost everything .Not enough sleep makes it difficult to pay attention carefully to what's happening in school.Making good decisions ,solving problem, and remembering always seem much harder when you don't get a good night's sleep. Not enough sleep also makes you act to things more slowly. In fact, tired drivers may be responsible for around ten percent of our traffic accidents .Sleeping at least seven hours a night is important for your health, your grades, and even your safety!