
对一项克里唑替尼一线治疗与一线化疗相比较研究的总生存的最终分析:来自PROFILE 1014试验的结果
BenjaminJ. Solomon, Dong-Wan Kim, Yi-Long Wu,Kazuhiko Nakagawa, Tarek Mekhail,EnriquetaFelip...Show More
PROFILE 1014是一项III期临床试验,在晚期间变性淋巴瘤激酶(ALK)阳性的非鳞非小细胞肺癌患者中对克里唑替尼一线治疗与一线化疗进行了比较。在此,我们对总生存(OS)的最终结果予以报告。
PROFILE 1014研究的最终分析为ALK重排的非小细胞肺癌患者的总生存提供了新的基准,凸显了克里唑替尼对延长这类患者生存期的益处。

Final Overall Survival Analysis Froma Study Comparing First-Line Crizotinib With Chemotherapy: Results From PROFILE1014
Benjamin J.Solomon, Dong-Wan Kim,Yi-Long Wu, KazuhikoNakagawa, Tarek Mekhail,Enriqueta Felip...Show More
The phase III PROFILE 1014 trial compared crizotinib withchemotherapy as first-line treatment in patients with anaplastic lymphomakinase (ALK) –positive advanced nonsquamous non–small-cell lung cancer. Here,we report the final overall survival (OS) results.
Patients andMethods
Patients were randomly assigned to receive oralcrizotinib 250 mg twice daily (n = 172) or intravenous pemetrexed 500 mg/m2 plus cisplatin 75mg/m2 or carboplatin(area under the concentration–time curve of 5 to 6 mg·mL/min) every 3 weeks fora maximum of six cycles (n = 171). Crossover to crizotinib was permitted afterdisease progression. OS was analyzed using a stratified log-rank test and aprespecified rank-preserving structural failure time model to account forcrossover.
Median follow-up duration for OS was approximately 46months for both arms. In the chemotherapy arm, 144 patients (84.2%) receivedcrizotinib in subsequent lines. Hazard ratio for OS was 0.760 (95% CI, 0.548 to1.053; two-sided P = .0978). Median OS was not reached (NR) withcrizotinib (95% CI, 45.8 months to NR) and 47.5 months with chemotherapy (95%CI, 32.2 months to NR). Survival probability at 4 years was 56.6% (95% CI,48.3% to 64.1%) with crizotinib and 49.1% (95% CI, 40.5% to 57.1%) with chemotherapy.After crossover adjustment, there was an improvement in OS that favoredcrizotinib (hazard ratio, 0.346; 95% bootstrap CI, 0.081 to 0.718). The longestOS was observed in crizotinib-treated patients who received a subsequent ALKtyrosine kinase inhibitor. No new safety signals were identified.
The final analysis of the PROFILE 1014 study provides anew benchmark for OS in patients with ALK-rearranged non–small-cell lungcancer and highlights the benefit of crizotinib for prolonging survival in thispatient population.
