【影像征象】靴形心 | The boot-shaped heart sign
The boot-shaped heart sign is seen on the frontal chest radiograph of children with decreased pulmonary vasculature. The left cardiac border resembles the shape of a wooden boot (Figure) .靴形心见于儿童胸片正位,伴肺血减少。左心缘类似于木靴的形状(图1)。
The boot-shaped heart sign is a conventional radiographic finding in patients with TOF. 靴形心是TOF的常见影像学表现。
The toe of the boot is formed by the upward pointing cardiac apex, which makes an acute angle with the diaphragm.
The upturned cardiac apex is ascribed to right ventricular hypertrophy and occurs in 65% of patients with TOF. 心尖上翘是由于右心室肥厚,见于65%的TOF患者。
The narrower upper part of the boot results from a small or absent main pulmonary artery partly caused by a narrow infundibulum and hypoplastic main pulmonary artery.
The boot-shaped heart is often seen in patients with TOF, which is the most common cause (75%) of cyanotic heart disease.
TOF has four components: (a) obstruction of the right ventricular out flow tract, which may be below the pulmonic valve in the infundibulum of the right ventricle; (b) ventricular septal defect (VSD); (c) overriding of the aorta above the VSD; and (d) right ventricular hypertrophy.
Right aortic arch occurs in 20%–30% of patients with cyanotic TOF.
When TOF is also associated with an atrial septal defect, it is called the pentalogy of Fallot.
The upturned cardiac apex is usually ascribed to concentric right ventricular hypertrophy.
The clinical manifestation and radiographic appearance of TOF depend on the size of the VSD and the severity of the right ventricular outflow tract obstruction; patients become cyanotic at birth when severe pulmonary stenosis or atresia is present.
If the right-to-left intracardiac shunt is minimal, the patient will be only mildly cyanotic and may be diagnosed later in life. The chest radiograph may be essentially normal, and the only clue might be the common association of mirror image right aortic arch.
1.Haider E A . The boot-shaped heart sign.[J]. Radiology, 2008, 246(1):328-9.
2.Potts W J . Congenital heart disease cyanotic children.[J]. California Medicine, 1953, 78(2):101.